About the REYFRCs
The Regina Early Years Family Resource Centres (REYFRCs) are trusted community resources for families and caregivers with children from prenatal up to age six – the most impactful years of development! We provide safe, welcoming, and high-quality early learning spaces, staffed by qualified early childhood professionals, where caregivers and children participate together. All families can access our drop-in play times, and variety of programs, services and information, at no cost, regardless of family circumstance or need.
Strong connections between parents/caregivers and children, supported by play-based approaches, are essential for healthy child development. The skills children develop are shaped by interactions with their parents/caregivers and the broader social environment. Research shows that parent/caregiver and child engagement, along with early developmental opportunities and experiences, can lead to later life success, including smoother school transitions, better academic performance, healthier relationships, improved intellectual functioning, and reduced stress and anxiety. These factors contribute to lifelong well-being.
The REYFRCs provide a space for parents/caregivers to expand their knowledge and understand their key role in supporting their children's development. Families/caregivers can also benefit from professional guidance on early childhood development, as well as the opportunity to connect with community, healthcare and educational professionals.
Our centres provide opportunities for children and their families/caregivers to play, explore, and learn together. Play is essential for children's development – it stimulates imagination and creativity, promotes cognitive, social, emotional, language, communication and physical development, enhances early literacy and numeracy understanding, and encourages positive behavioural choices. When a child's development is nurtured holistically, they are better equipped to reach their full potential.
Our REYFRC play and programming are built upon four pillars of support:
Early Learning – This pillar focuses on helping children grow by providing positive and fun learning experiences at our centres. We create high-quality learning spaces, where both children and their parents or caregivers can learn and grow together. At our centres, we offer drop-in play opportunities that encourage learning, curiosity, and problem-solving. We also offer programs that combine play, exploration, and child development strategies to support children’s learning. Our spaces are designed to encourage children to experiment and develop important skills through play.
Parenting Education – This pillar focuses on helping parents and caregivers visiting our centres learn the skills and knowledge they may need to support their child’s development and create nurturing and responsive environments that support their child's growth. We provide trusted resources to guide caregivers in engaging meaningfully with their children. At our centres, we offer inclusive environments where parents can learn about parenting and child well-being. We also provide drop-in opportunities, workshops on specific topics, and parenting education groups.
Family Wellness –This pillar focuses on our collaboration with community partners to support the health and wellness of the entire family, directly within our centres. We offer services that help families stay healthy and strong, including prenatal and postpartum support, health services that focus on vision, dental, mental health, child development, breastfeeding/formula feeding, sleep, and vaccines. We also provide speech and language support, autism services, and information on whole family nutrition. Additionally, we offer supervised family visits, life skills programs like financial literacy, and parenting groups. Our centres also provide cultural understanding and support, along with a variety of resources to strengthen families and enhance their overall well-being.
Information and Referrals – This pillar focuses on connecting families with additional community resources and professionals for long-term support. At our centres, we help link families to services that support them in raising healthy children and families. Our staff are knowledgeable about early years and family programs available in the community and are here to introduce families to these partnering organizations. We also assist with the referral process to ensure families receive the support they need.
Did You Know?
There are 21 Early Years Family Resource Centres (EYFRCs) across the province of Saskatchewan.
Each Early Years Family Resource Centre offers a mix of drop-in and scheduled play and programming.
While every visit to an Early Years Family Resource Centre will offer similar experiences, each location will also be unique, with programming tailored to the specific needs of the community and family feedback.
Inclusive: families from all backgrounds and circumstances are welcome and included.
Voluntary - families choose which services are right for them.
Convenient - operating hours match community needs

with a variety of drop-in options, including evenings and weekends.
Nurturing - welcoming environments allow families with young children to meet one another and create their own support networks.
Knowledgeable - parents are supported to nurture their children and guided to understand early childhood development.
Reliable - the centres are trusted sources of information, helping families seek and understand options for additional services.
REYFRC History
The first Regina Early Years Family Resource Centres opened to the public in the spring of 2013, located in the beautiful spaces at the Gathering Place and Scott Collegiate. The centres were developed through a community-based initiative aimed at improving outcomes for children from prenatal up to age 6. This effort was the result of years of planning, research and outreach by community members and organizations dedicated to supporting healthy early childhood development of all young children in Regina.
While the Regina Early Years Family Resource Centre has experienced several changes and relocations over the past few years, we are excited to announce that we now have two permanent locations: 3079 5th Avenue and 2550 Sandra Schmirler Way.
2024 – Second permanent location officially opened at 2550 Sandra Schmirler Way.
2021 – First permanent location officially opened at 3079 5th Avenue in Regina, Saskatchewan.
2020 – The REYFRC transitioned to virtual and outdoor programming to meet the needs of Regina families during the pandemic. The three centres located in Regina schools remained closed, and a new space was purchased and renovated in anticipation of re-opening.
2018 – The Miller REYFRC relocated to St. Matthew School.
2017 – The Scott Collegiate REYFRC relocated to Sacred Heart Community School.
2014 – New REYFRCs opened at Dr. Hanna School and Miller High School.
2013 – The first two REYFRCs opened at Scott Collegiate and the Gathering Place.
2012 – Family-friendly community consultations were held about the future REYFRC at nine locations throughout Regina for the public to provide input or learn about recent survey results.
2010 – The Understanding the Early Years Initiative (UEY), funded and supported by Human Resources and Development Canada, completed a 3-year research and knowledge-building project in Regina. The project used the Early Development Instrument (EDI), a measurement tool developed by the Offord Centre for Child Studies at McMaster University, to study early childhood development from birth to kindergarten entry in Regina. EDI results showed that kindergarten children in Regina scored significantly lower than their Canadian peers in all areas of development, including physical, emotional, social, language, cognitive, communication skills, and general knowledge. Vulnerable children were identified across Regina and in all demographic groups. As a result, the UEY Community Action Plan recommended the creation of Neighbourhood Early Years Hubs, which are considered a gold standard for service delivery.